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Institute Postdoctoral Fellow 2024 (IPDF) at NIT Silchar [July- Dec 2024; Amount of Rs. 50k/ Month]: Apply by July 27

Institute Postdoctoral Fellow 2024 (IPDF) at NIT Silchar

Institute Postdoctoral Fellow 2024 (IPDF) at NIT Silchar

Applications are invited for Institute Postdoctoral Fellow 2024 (IPDF) at NIT Silchar. The last date of application is July 27.

Applications are invited for admission into Institute Post-Doctoral Fellowship (IPDF) programme in the following departments with the area/ specializations and admission group as mentioned in the table for the session July – December 2024.

The Institute offers Post-Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) with a view to providing an opportunity for competent researchers to do independent research work in an appropriate area. Institute will admit young researchers, as Institute Postdoctoral Fellows (IPDFs) and Sponsored Postdoctoral Fellows (SPDFs).

Institute PDF: Those who are applying through advertisement of this institute. These PDFs are termed Institute Post Doctoral Fellows (IPDF). Their rules and regulation are governed by the Institute’s policy. The total number of IPDF will be as per the sanctioned strength at any time in a department.

Sponsored PDF: Post-Doctoral Fellow from sponsored project/ agency or awarded by R&D /Other Organizations like DST, SERB, ICSR, UGC, NBHM, INSPIRE, N-PDF, etc. These PDFs are termed Sponsored PDF (SPDF). These SPDFs should follow the rules and regulations (for fellowship, contingency, and duration) as stated by the sponsoring agency. NIT Silchar will offer mentor(s) and they are also broadly governed by the Institute’s policy for other issues. The number of SPDFs supported by sponsored projects/agencies will be over and above the sanctioned number of IPDFs.

The eligibility criterion of the applicant for IPDF are as follows:

All the applications cover must be mention the subject line “Application for the IPDF program – Name of the Department”.

To The Dean (R&C) 2nd Floor, Administrative Building National Institute of Technology Silchar Dist.: Cachar, City: Silchar Pin – 788010, Assam, India.

Also a copy of the applications with all supporting documents should be sent to the email id

The candidates are advised to give their latest contact numbers/email ids in the application form. The Institute reserves the right to reject any or all applications or it may amend any of the clauses above as per orders of the competent authority/Government of India.

The filled up application form with the proposal must reach to the following address on or before 28/07/2024.

An Application Fee of Rs. 1000/-(for Open/OBC) OR Rs. 500/- (for SC/ST/ PwD) must be paid via online payment.

The fellowship is Rs. 50000/- per month.

Initial appoint of the fellow for the period of One year extended up to one more year.

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