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Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship at IIT Gandhinagar- Engineering and Testing Group, CSE, IITGN [Salary of Rs. 72k/month]: Apply by March 15

Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship at IIT Gandhinagar

Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship at IIT Gandhinagar

Applications are invited for Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship at IIT Gandhinagar. The last date of application is March 15.

IIT Gandhinagar offers a unique undergraduate and graduate education experience in India with unmatched innovations in curriculum. We take pride in our student-centric philosophy resulting in a safe, nurturing, and empowering environment for students. The institute promotes critical thinking and an appreciation of the interdisciplinary character of knowledge, with an emphasis on the liberal arts, project oriented learning, compulsory courses in design and the life sciences, diversity and globalization.

The software testing life cycle is composed of multiple modules, some of which are inherently sequential while some are parallelizable. The parallelizable modules follow certain structures which facilitate several operations to be performed in parallel.

The complexity of transformation needed to extract parallelism from these modules not only determines the efficiency of parallelization, but also the correctness and the benefit, i.e. speedup obtained after parallelization. A parallelization should produce an output deemed to be correct for an application.

Meeting both efficiency, and correctness is challenging. The first part of the project aims to automatically identify and devise parallelization opportunities in the software testing life-cycle that balance efficiency, and correctness. The second part of the project deals with employing techniques from social choice theoretic frameworks such as consensus into testing phases when there is no single best performing strategy.

Such scenarios are resolved by employing individual techniques known to perform well under specific conditions and perform an aggregated benefit. The project involves utilization of today’s Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools such as state-of-the-art Large Language Models (LLMs) in our project.

Rs. 72,000 per month (consolidated with no other allowances.

As per IITGN norms.

Starts as soon as possible. Ends on 31/01/2026.

March 15 2025

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