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GATE Syllabus 2024: Notification, Exam Date, Eligibility Criteria, Exam Pattern, Question Papers for All Streams: Details Here!

GATE 2024: Notification, Exam Date, Eligibility Criteria, Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Question Papers

GATE 2024: Notification, Exam Date, Eligibility Criteria, Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Question Papers

Online applications for GATE 2024 will be out soon… Check the eligibility, syllabus and other details related to GATE 2024 below!

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is a national-level exam that primarily tests the comprehensive understanding of various undergraduate subjects in Engineering/ Technology/ Architecture/ Science/ Commerce/ Arts. GATE 2024 will be conducted by IISc Bangalore and seven IITs (IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Guwahati, IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Madras, IIT Roorkee), on behalf of the National Coordination Board – GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India (GoI).

Qualified GATE score can be used for seeking admission and/or financial assistance to : (i) Master’s programs and direct Doctoral programs in Engineering/ Technology/ Architecture/ Science/ Commerce/ Arts; and (ii) Doctoral programs in relevant branches of Arts and Science, in the institutions supported by the MoE and other Government agencies. GATE score is also used by some colleges and institutions for giving admission to students without MoE scholarships/assistantships. Further, many Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) have been using the GATE score in their recruitment process.

IISc Bangalore will release the final GATE 2024 notification and exam dates in July 2023.

A candidate who is currently studying in the 3rd or higher years of any undergraduate degree program OR has already completed any government-approved degree program in Engineering/ Technology/ Architecture/ Science/ Commerce/ Arts is eligible for appearing in the GATE 2024 exam.

Degree / ProgramQualifying Degree / ExaminationDescription of Eligible Candidates
B.E. / B.Tech. / B. Pharm.Bachelor’s degree in Engineering / Technology (4 years after 10+2 or 3 years after B.Sc. / Diploma in Engineering / Technology)Currently in the 3rd year or higher or already completed
B. Arch.Bachelor’s degree in Architecture (5-year course) / Naval Architecture (4-year course) / Planning (4-year course)Currently in the 3rd year or higher or already completed
B.Sc. (Research) / B.S.Bachelor’s degree in Science (Post-Diploma / 4 years after 10+2)Currently in the 3rd year or higher or already completed
Pharm. D. (after 10+2)6 years degree program, consisting of internship or residency training, from the third year onwardsCurrently in the 3rd/ 4th/ 5th/ 6th year or already completed
M.B.B.S. / B.D.S. / B.V.Sc.Degree holders of M.B.B.S. / B.D.S. / B.V.Sc and those who are in the 5th/ 6th/ 7th semester or higher semester of such programme.5th/ 6th/ 7th or higher semester or already completed
M. Sc. / M.A. / MCA or equivalentMaster’s degree in any branch of Arts / Science / Mathematics / Statistics / Computer Applications or equivalentCurrently in the first year or higher or already Completed
Int. M.E. / M.Tech. (Post-B.Sc.)Post-B.Sc Integrated Master’s degree programs in Engineering / Technology (4-year program)Currently in the 1st/ 2nd/ 3rd/ 4th year or already completed
Int. M.E. / M.Tech. / M.Pharm or Dual Degree (after Diploma or 10+2)Integrated Master’s degree program or Dual Degree program in Engineering / Technology (5-year program)Currently in the 3rd/ 4th/ 5th year or already completed
B.Sc. / B.A. / B.Com.Bachelor’s degree in any branch of Science / Arts / Commerce (3-year program)Currently in the 3rd year or already completed
Int. M.Sc. / Int. B.S. / M.S.Integrated M.Sc. or 5-year integrated B.S.-M.S. programCurrently in the 3rd year or higher or already completed
Professional Society Examinations (equivalent to B.E. / B.Tech. / B.Arch.)Bachelor’s degree in Architecture (5-year course) / Naval Architecture (4-year course) / Planning (4-year course)B.E. / B.Tech. / B.Arch. equivalent examinations of Professional Societies, recognized by MoE / UPSC / AICTE (e.g. AMIE by the Institution of Engineers-India, AMICE by the Institute of Civil Engineers-India and so on)
B.Sc. (Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry)4-years programCurrently in the 3rd/ 4th year or already completed

GATE 2023 will be conducted for 29 papers. The table shows the list of papers with codes. Please click the link in Paper/Code to download the syllabus.

A candidate is allowed to appear either in ONE or UP TO TWO papers of the GATE 2024 examination. However, a candidate is only allowed to select the second paper from the pre-defined Two Paper Combination list.

Code of the First (Primary) PaperCodes of Papers Allowed as The Second PaperCode of the First (Primary) PaperCodes of Papers Allowed as The Second Paper

Note: Candidates opting to appear in TWO subject papers must have a primary choice of paper as their default choice. The second choice of paper has to be chosen from the allowed combinations given in the Table above. Combinations other than the listed ones are NOT allowed. Under unforeseen circumstances, certain combinations may be removed from the list in the above Table at a later date. In such cases, the fee paid towards the second paper will be refunded to the candidates.

Also note that the examination centre of a candidate for the second paper may be different (but in the same city) from that for the first paper due to the infrastructure and scheduling constraints. GATE 2023 is NOT liable for any legal obligations related to this issue.

Section 1: Engineering Mathematics

Section 2: Digital Logic

Section 3: Computer Organization and Architecture

Section 4: Programming and Data Structures

Section 5: Algorithms

Section 6: Theory of Computation

Section 7: Compiler Design

Section 8: Operating System

Section 9: Databases

Section 10: Computer Networks

Other Stream Syllabus Link

GATE PaperCodeGATE PaperCode
Aerospace EngineeringAEInstrumentation EngineeringIN
Agricultural EngineeringAGMathematicsMA
Architecture and PlanningARMechanical EngineeringME
Biomedical EngineeringBMMining EngineeringMN
BiotechnologyBTMetallurgical EngineeringMT
Civil EngineeringCENaval Architecture and Marine EngineeringNM
Chemical EngineeringCHPetroleum EngineeringPE
Computer Science and Information TechnologyCSPhysicsPH
ChemistryCYProduction and Industrial EngineeringPI
Electronics and Communication EngineeringECStatisticsST
Electrical EngineeringEETextile Engineering and Fibre ScienceTF
Environmental Science & EngineeringESEngineering SciencesXE
Ecology and EvolutionEYHumanities & Social SciencesXH
Geomatics EngineeringGELife SciencesXL
Geology and GeophysicsGG

Each GATE 2024 paper is for total 100 marks, General Aptitude (GA) is common for all papers (15 marks) and rest of the paper covers the respective syllabus (85 marks). 

XE Paper SectionsCodeXH Paper SectionsCodeXL Paper SectionsCode
Engineering Mathematics (Compulsory)
(15 marks)
AReasoning and Comprehension (Compulsory)
(25 marks)
B1Chemistry (Compulsory)
(25 marks)
Any TWO optional Sections
(2×35 = 70 marks)
Any ONE optional Section
(60 marks)
Any TWO optional Sections
(2×30 = 60 marks)
Fluid MechanicsBEconomicsC1BiochemistryQ
Materials ScienceCEnglishC2BotanyR
Solid MechanicsDLinguisticsC3MicrobiologyS
Polymer Science and EngineeringFPsychologyC5Food TechnologyU
Food TechnologyGSociologyC6
Atmospheric and Oceanic SciencesH
Examination ModeFor a wrong answer chosen in an MCQ, there will be a negative marking.
For 1-mark MCQ, 1/3 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer.
Likewise, For 2-mark MCQ, the 2/3 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer.
No negative marking for Incorrect answer(s) to MSQ or NAT questions.
Duration3 Hours*
Number of Subjects (Papers)29
SectionsGeneral Aptitude (GA) +
Candidate’s Selected Subject(s)
Type of Questions(a) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
(b) Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) and/or
(c) Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions
Questions for testing these abilities(a) Recall
(b) Comprehension
(c) Application
(d) Analysis & Synthesis
Number of Questions10 (GA) + 55 (subject) = 65 Questions
Distribution of Marks in all Papers EXCEPT papers AR, CY, EY, GG, MA, PH, ST, XH and XLGeneral Aptitude: 15 Marks +
Engineering Mathematics**: 13 Marks +
Subject Questions: 72 Marks =
Total: 100 Marks
(**XE includes Engineering Mathematics section XE-A of 15 Marks)
Distribution of Marks in papers AR, CY, EY, GG, MA, PH, ST, XH and XLGeneral Aptitude: 15 Marks +
Subject Questions: 85 Marks =
Total: 100 Marks
Marking SchemeQuestions carry 1 mark and 2 marks
Negative MarkingFor a wrong answer chosen in an MCQ, there will be a negative marking.
For 1-mark MCQ, 1/3 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer.
Likewise, For a 2-mark MCQ, the 2/3 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer.
No negative marking for Incorrect answer(s) to MSQ or NAT questions.
Paper CodeGeneral Aptitude (GA) MarksSubject MarksTotal MarksTotal Time (Minutes)
AE, AG, BM, BT, CE, CH, CS, CY, EC, EE, ES, EY, IN, MA, ME, MN, MT, NM, PE, PH, PI, ST, TF1585100180
AR [Part A + Part B1 or B2 (B1: Architecture or B2: Planning)]
B1 or B2 can be selected during Exam.
1560 + 25100180
GE [Part A + Part B1 or B2 (B1 – Surveying and Mapping or B2 -Image Processing and Analysis)] B1 or B2 can be selected during the Exam.1555 + 30100180
GG [Part A + Part B]
(Section 1: Geology or Section 2: Geophysics)
1525 + 60100180
XL (Section P + Any TWO Sections)
Sections can be selected during the Exam.
1515 + (2 x 35)100180
XH (Section B1 + Any ONE Section)1525 + 60100180
AR [Part A + Part B1 or B2 (B1: Architecture or B2: Planning)]
B1 or B2 can be selected during the Exam.
1525 + (2 x 30)100180

*PwD candidates with benchmark disability are eligible for the compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour. Thus, they will get one hour extra for a three hours examination.

Candidates will be able to fill out the application form for GATE 2024 online mode only. While filling out the GATE 2024 registration form, aspirants should ensure that the name of the candidate in the GATE application form 2024 must exactly the same as that in the valid photo ID, which the candidate must produce in original while appearing for GATE 2024 examination at the centre.

CategoryAmountLate Fees
Male (General, OBC and Others)Rs. 1,700Rs. 2,200
SC/ ST/ PwDRs. 850Rs. 1,350
Female candidatesRs. 850Rs. 1,350

Click here to view the previous year’s question papers of GATE 2024.

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