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IIT Bhubaneswar Summer Internship 2025 [3-8 Weeks, Tentatively Starting from May 10]: Apply by April 10

IIT Bhubaneswar Summer Internship 2025

IIT Bhubaneswar Summer Internship 2025

Applications are invited for IIT Bhubaneswar Summer Internship 2025. The last date of application is April 10.

Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar came into existence in July 22, 2008, inheriting the brand name IIT. This fact itself charges the Institute not only to be worthy of its inheritance but also to be distinctive and distinguished on its own by scripting a path towards novelties. Presented below are the statements for Vision, Mission, Goals & Strategies (to achieve the Goals) and the Core Values of IIT Bhubaneswar.

The student registered for a degree in any academic institutions, desirous to carry out Internship at IIT Bhubaneswar in the fields related to the School of Basic Sciences, Earth, Ocean & Climate Sciences, Electrical and Computer Sciences, Infrastructure, Mechanical Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences and Management and Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering may apply for the Internship Programme.

Students registered for a degree program in any academic institution desirous to carry out Internships at IIT Bhubaneswar shall apply.

The duration of the internship shall be between 3-8 weeks during summer vacation of IIT Bhubaneswar.

Announcement inviting applications05.03.2025
Closing date for submission of online form10.04.2025
Declaration of resultson or before 25.04.2025
Start of the program10.05.2025 (Tentative)

Interested candidates can apply online via this page.

Preliminary screening of applications by the School/Department followed by selection through a selection committee.

The students selected for internship shall be provided hostel accommodation, if available, on payment basis. The application shall reach the office of the Chairperson, Warden Council, through the supervisor. The cost towards food and access to other amenities shall be paid by the interns.

Supervisors may provide fellowships to interns, subject to the availability of funds from their projects.

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