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Student Internship at NIT Srinagar under SERB-DST Sponsored Project [2 Months; Stipend of Rs. 5k]: Apply by July 20

Student Internship at NIT Srinagar

Student Internship at NIT Srinagar

Applications are invited for Student Internship at NIT Srinagar under SERB-DST Sponsored Project for the year 2024. The last date of application is July 20.

Applications are invited for “Student Internship” in a Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India sponsored project (File No. EEQ/2021/001071) entitled “Seismic Wave-based Tools for the Characterization of Small-strain Stiffness, Damping and Anisotropy of Soils in the Laboratory “.

Who can apply?Students who are in final year B.Tech/ M.Tech. Civil Engineering or M.Tech in Civil Engineering with first division.
DesirableCandidates having knowledge of laboratory geotechnical testing, numerical modelling, latest data acquisition systems and interpretation etc.

The duration of internship is two (02) months

The proforma of application is attached with this advertisement. Fill the application form.

The 3 files (Application, CV and Certificates) should be specifically in pdf format and be named as:

Please note that the CV should include latest contact details (address, mobile phone no., email ID), date of birth, qualifications, research experience and publication details (if any). All the testimonials (scanned copies of mark sheets, degree certificate, experience certificate, CSIR/UGC/NET or GATE certificate, valid identity proof etc.) in pdf as single compressed (zip/rar format) file must be uploaded via the above google form.

20th July, 2024 (5:00 PM).

₹ 5,000/-per month.

Candidates will be shortlisted based on their merit and as per the requirement of the project. Mere qualification of eligibility criteria does not guarantee for shortlisting. The interview shall be tentatively conducted in the month of July, 2024.

The date of interview, time and venue will be intimated to short-listed candidates via email only. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. Candidates who are already employed should produce ‘No objection Certificate’ (NOC) from the present employer.

Dr Ritesh S. Ingale
Contact No. 9881888686

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