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Arvind Foundation Scholarship For UG Courses 2023-24 [Amount Upto Rs. 20k]: Apply by March 10

Arvind Foundation Scholarship For UG Courses 2023-24

Arvind Foundation Scholarship For UG Courses 2023-24

Online applications are invited for the Arvind Foundation Scholarship For UG Courses 2023-24. The last date for the application is March 10, 2024.

Arvind Foundation, a charitable organization for children with special needs, is a registered Non-Profit Organization, founded in 2004 to provide soul care for children with special needs from underprivileged backgrounds through curative education and healing care. The care extends to adolescents and adults with special needs too. Diagnoses range from Cerebral palsy, Autism, ADHD, ADD, Down’s syndrome, and Muscular dystrophy. Mental Retardation, Epilepsy, Hydrocephalus, Microcephalus, Spina bifida, Chromosomal disorder, Neurological disorder, Dyslexia etc.)

Propelled by their desire to help other such parents and children like their own, Sudha and Athmaraj established this NGO especially aimed at those from underprivileged sections who require rehabilitation. With more than 45 trained staff, Arvind Foundation has grown to 5 centres, empowering children and adults with special needs.

Arvind Foundation is a CSR arm of Arvind Limited, which is one of the leading manufacturers of Textile in India today has joined hands with the Vidyasaarathi portal to help needy and deserving students through scholarships, as they cannot afford quality education due to the high fees structure. Arvind Foundation’s scholarship would encourage them to counter their financial constraints and pursue academic excellence and career opportunities. Please note this scholarship would not apply to Arvind Foundation employees and their children.

Note: The scheme is available to only students whose family income is less than 500000.00

All documents uploaded shall be clear and must be in a .jpeg .png file only

The last date for the application is March 10, 2024.

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