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GNEC Hackathon 2025 [Online; March 12th-May 12th; Prizes worth Rs. 8.7 Lakhs]: Register Now!

GNEC Hackathon 2025

GNEC Hackathon 2025

Participants are invited to GNEC Hackathon 2025, which will be held online from March 12 to May 12. Register now!

The Global NGO Executive Committee (GNEC), along with its 1,600 subsidiaries, is hosting its fourth GNEC Hackathon, bringing together passionate individuals in engineering, technology, and programming to showcase their skills. With opportunities to win internships and mentorships from esteemed partners, participants can engage in a highly competitive and rewarding experience. As an organization closely connected to the UN, GNEC offers access to a vast global network of NGOs, providing long-term opportunities beyond the event. The hackathon also features workshops led by industry experts, introducing new technological concepts and offering valuable insights into various missions and career paths, making it an excellent platform for both learning and professional growth.

In previous GNEC Hackathons, participants had the freedom to explore the full range of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) as their theme. However, for the fourth edition, the event introduces an element of suspense by focusing on one or two specific SDGs, which will be revealed during the opening ceremony. This change stems from participant feedback, emphasizing the desire for a more unified theme to foster alignment and collaboration toward shared global objectives.

Participants are encouraged to join the GNEC Hackathon Discord server ( to connect with others involved in the event. While they have the option to form their own teams, those without teammates can use the server to find like-minded collaborators. The opening ceremony will provide essential details about the hackathon, followed by the official start of the working period. With opportunities to network, innovate, and collaborate, participants are encouraged to embrace creativity, build new connections, and most importantly, enjoy the experience.

Teams of no more than 5 members will be tasked with developing a project addressing a predetermined theme of one or two of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, submitting in a format of a 5 minute or less YouTube video showcasing their project. Cross submissions, prior work, and advertisements of already established businesses will NOT be allowed.

Participants will develop a project centered around the designated UN SDGs and submit a 2-5 minute video showcasing their work, its connection to the hackathon theme, and the problem it aims to address. In addition to the video, each team must upload a work file, which should either be a ZIP file containing the source code for an app or website or a slideshow/PDF outlining their product or business plan.

Date & TimeEventLocationDetails
12 March 2025 | 12:00 PM ESTOpening CeremonyIn-person: United Nations Headquarters, NYC, USA Online: YouTube LiveGuest speakers, unveiling of the project theme, and an overview of the event’s structure and objectives.
12 March 2025 – 12 May 2025Working PeriodParticipants develop projects, attend workshops, seek guidance, and collaborate.
12 May 2025 – 24 May 2025Judging PeriodOnline: DevpostJudges evaluate submitted projects to determine the winners.
30 May 2025 | 12:00 PM ESTClosing CeremonyOnline: YouTube LiveWinners are announced, achievements celebrated, and guest speakers provide concluding remarks.

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