GIAN Courses aims to bring together international and national experts to collaborate and enhance the quality of higher education in India.

About GIAN

The Union Cabinet has approved a new program titled Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN) in Higher Education aimed at tapping the talent pool of scientists and entrepreneurs, internationally to encourage their engagement with the institutes of Higher Education in India so as to augment the country’s existing academic resources, accelerate the pace of quality reform, and elevate India’s scientific and technological capacity to global excellence.

GIAN is an evolving scheme which will initially include the participation of foreign faculty in Institutes as Distinguished / Adjunct / Visiting faculty / Professors of Practice, etc., to participate in delivering Short or Semester-long Courses.

GIAN Objective

The primary objective of GIAN is to provide a platform for Indian students and faculty to interact with renowned international faculty members, experts, and scholars from various fields. This initiative enables the exchange of knowledge, expertise, and ideas through short-term courses, seminars, workshops, and conferences.

  • GIAN courses cover a wide range of disciplines, including engineering, science, technology, humanities, social sciences, and management.
  • These courses are designed to be interdisciplinary and cutting-edge, addressing the current trends and challenges in academia and industry.
  • The GlAN plays an important role in promoting international collaborations, fostering research and innovation, and enriching the academic environment in Indian higher education institutions. It helps bridge the gap between academia and industry, facilitates knowledge transfer, and promotes cross-cultural understanding among participants.

Long and Short-Term Goals

  • To increase the footfall of reputed international faculty in Indian academic institutes.
  • Provide opportunities for our faculty to learn and share knowledge and teaching skills in cutting-edge areas.
  • To provide an opportunity for our students to seek knowledge and experience from reputed international faculty.
  • To create an avenue for possible collaborative research with the international faculty
  • To increase participation and presence of international students in the academic institutes.
  • Opportunity for the students of different Institutes/Universities to interact and learn subjects in niche areas through the collaborative learning process.
  • Provide opportunities for the technical persons from Indian Industry to improve their understanding and update their knowledge in relevant areas.
  • Motivate the best international experts in the world to work on problems related to India.
  • Develop high-quality course material in niche areas, both through video and print that can be used by a larger body of students and teachers.
  • To document and develop new pedagogic methods in emerging topics of national and international interest.

GIAN Courses at IIT Kharagpur 2023

  1. Recording and Analyzing User Behavior in Interpretative Text Production
  2. Stochastic Processes for Data Science
  3. Emerging and Sustainable Technologies Complementing Conventional Water/Wastewater Treatments.
  4. Understanding the Increasing Relevance of Choice Models for Advancing Transportation Modelling in Smart Cities
  5. Continuum Mechanics
  6. Special Topics in Microscale Flow and Heat Transport
  7. Network Science and Multi-Agent Systems
  8. Stochastic Soil-Structure Interaction
  9. Design of Ballasted Railway Track: Current Practices and New Developments
  10. Manufacturing and Characterization of Composites
  11. Systems Biology and Network Analysis for Enabling Research in Personalized Genomics
  12. Ocean Wave Energy Conversion Technology and Modelling Techniques
  13. Microbial Modeling of Pathogens in Foods and USDA-Pathogen Modeling Program’s Applications in Ensuring Safety of Indian Food Sup

Click here to view more!

Click here to view revised guidelines for virtual mode GIAN courses.

Click here to visit the official page of GIAN courses by IIT Kharagpur.

Upcoming GIAN Courses at IITs

  1. GIAN Courses at IIT Kanpur
  2. GIAN Courses at IIT Indore

Upcoming GIAN Courses at NITs

  1. GIAN courses at NIT Silchar
  2. GIAN Courses at NIT Tiruchirrappali
  3. GIAN Courses at NIT Jalandhar


All Government (State or Central) higher education Institutions / Universities which are in the top 200 in NIRF overall rankings and have at least NAAC ‘A’ grade (3.0 and above)

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