Registrations are open, and youth aged 16 to 21 are invited to participate in the WixTomorrow Creators of Tomorrow Challenge. The last date for entry submissions is April 29, 2024.

About the Competition

Creators of Tomorrow is a website creation challenge designed to equip young innovators (ages 16-21) with future-ready skills, entrepreneurial mindsets, and professional tools to be the trailblazers of tomorrow. How will you create the Tomorrow you want to live in?

Choose An Impact Space

Your first step is to choose an impact space that speaks to you and start brainstorming ideas for your website. Learn more about the four impact spaces below.

Sustainable Living

How might we build a healthy, thriving, and secure future for all?

A thriving future is a healthy future — one with accessible healthcare, affordable and nutritious food, and clean, thriving communities and housing. If you’re interested in this topic, you’re thinking about helping people from the inside out.

Lifelong Learning

How might we expand possibilities through high-quality education and career opportunities?

The future needs creative thinkers, curious explorers, and complex problem-solvers, and it all starts with unlocking youth power through exceptional education. If you’re interested in this topic, you’re drawn to creating pathways of empowerment and the idea of lifelong learning.

Equitable Futures

How might we ensure an equitable, fair, and inclusive world for all?

Everyone deserves a bright future, but we have a long way to go to achieve an equitable future for all. If you’re interested in this topic, you’re thinking about uplifting your community,, social justice, and/or designing for underrepresented groups.

Climate Action

How might we combat climate change and create a clean, flourishing planet?

Climate Action is one of the most urgent issues of our time, on a local and a global scale. If you’re interested in this topic, you’re thinking about promoting sustainability, impacting climate legislation, and ensuring a healthy future planet for all.

Learn Web Creation Skills

Follow along with three videos created just for you to level up your web creation knowledge, get inspired, and learn industry-level skills. Your learning journey is up to you — you can watch as much of these videos as you’d like and learn at your own pace.

Create Your Site

Now for the most important part! Use your new knowledge gained from the videos to build a website that addresses an issue in your chosen impact space. Choose a Wix template to get started, or start from scratch. For more information about what your site should include for the Challenge, you can find more details about the requirements below

Submit Your Site

When you’re ready, you can submit your website for a chance to be accepted to the second part of Creators of Tomorrow: the Mentorship Cohort and the Challenge Finals, where winners will receive up to $2000!

Learn more about the second part of the Creators of Tomorrow Challenge: The Mentorship Cohort and Challenge Finals from May to early June.


  • 1st Prize: $2000,
  • 2nd Prize: $1000​,
  • 3rd Prize: $500.

Mentoring Cohort

Selected projects will be chosen to participate in an exclusive Mentorship Cohort, where they will work with Wix experts to take their websites and ideas to the next level. If selected to join this cohort, participants will get an inside look into professional design and entrepreneurship practices, 1:1 coaching to polish their projects, and the opportunity to participate in the Challenge Finals. 

Challenge Finals

In June of 2024, the Mentorship Cohort will participate in the Challenge Finals. They’ll submit their final websites and project summaries to a panel of judges, who will decide on the Challenge Finalists. The winners of the Challenge Finals will receive up to $2000.

How it Works?

  • Build a Wix site around one of the four impact spaces — you can use the videos to learn more about working with Wix. To get started, pick one of the template ideas, start from a blank site, or choose another Wix template from To learn more about the projects we’re looking for and the submission requirements, check out the Project Submission Guidelines.
  • Submit a website to be considered for participation in the Challenge Mentorship Cohort. Submissions open on February 2024 and close on April 29, 2024. In early May 2024, we’ll announce which projects were selected to participate in the Mentorship Cohort.
  • The Mentorship Cohort will run from May 6, 2024 to May 27, 2024. During this time, you’ll be paired with an employee from Wix who will serve as your Mentor. You’ll get access to 1:1 online feedback sessions and additional workshop opportunities to grow and polish your idea and website. You’ll also receive a 1 year Wix Premium Account to support your site.
  • In June of 2024, the Mentorship Cohort will participate in the Challenge Finals. They’ll submit their final websites and project summaries to a panel of judges, who will decide on the Challenge Finalists. The winners of the Challenge Finals will receive up to $2000. 

Submission Guidelines

To be considered for the Mentorship Cohort: 

  • All participants must be 16-21 years old on the submission date.
  • Where required, participants must ask for parental consent before participating in the challenge. 
  • You can work in a group of up to 5 participants. 
  • Your project must be built with Wix and use at least one of Wix’s business or marketing solutions. 
  • Your site’s language has to be English.
  • Sites do not need to have a Wix Premium plan. When using business and marketing solutions, you can add these features to your site and design them as you’d like, but you do not need to upgrade to unlock any Premium features. (For example, you can add Wix Stores to your site but not set up Payments.) 
  • Websites can either serve as the impact project idea itself, or serve as a way to communicate or market an offline impact idea. For example, you could create a website with a forum that serves as an online community for climate action organizers, or you could create a website that serves as a marketing site for a nonprofit. 
  • We will consider the following when evaluating your project to be considered for the Mentorship Cohort:
    • Impact space: Does your project idea align with one of the four impact spaces?
    • Clarity: Is your idea clearly communicated? Is there a clearly-defined solution idea that addresses a problem?
    • UX/UI Design: Is your website easy and intuitive to use?
    • Innovation and Creativity: How unique and creative is your idea?

See the full Contest Rules for all requirements for participation in the challenge.

Click here to view the official notification of the WixTomorrow Creators of Tomorrow Challenge for Youth Aged 16 to 21.