Applications are invited for Summer Internship at IIT Jodhpur: School of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.Apply now!

About AIDE

  • Advancing the field of AI and Data Sciences for good of humanity.
  • To be at the fore-front of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science research in all dimensions: theoretical research, application directed research, and locally relevant research for meeting regional needs.
  • To play a leading role in the delivery of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science education in formal and informal sectors at all levels.
  • To become a globally coveted destination for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science technology development and entrepreneurship.


  • Undergraduates (2nd/3rd/4th or recently graduated) and graduate students of all
  • disciplines with a CGPA above 7/10 can apply.

Project and Research Areas

Sl. NoProject NameTheme of the projectOpening (UG/Masters/Ph.D.)Background Skills requiredMode of workRemarks
1Cortico-subcortical converging organization at restBrain Science and ApplicationsAllMathematical and coding skills requiredOFFLINEFor more details – Link
2Internally and externally directed attention – fMRI connectivity analysisBrain Science and ApplicationsAllMathematical and coding skills requiredOFFLINEFor more details – Link
3Modelling EEG Responses to non-invasive brain stimulationBrain Science and ApplicationsUG/Masters/PhDMatlab, Python, Signal processingOFFLINE
4EEG Signal Analysis and Processing for Sleep ResearchBrain Science and ApplicationsAllMatlab, Python, Signal processingOFFLINE
5Mobile app development for in-depth monitoring of smartphone use and emotionsBrain Science and ApplicationsAllExpertise and extensive experience with Android app developmentOFFLINE
6Can LLMs Inform Us About Predictive Processing During Natural Listening TaskBrain Science and ApplicationsUG/Masters/PhDPrevious experience with EEG, Python programming, AI/ML basicsOFFLINE
7Data analysis and visualization for microscale climate simulationsClimate TechnologyMasters/PhDR, and Python, Machine Learning ModelsOFFLINE
8Gene Expression Programming for Fluid Flow ProblemsComputational Fluid DynamicsAllPython, Machine learning, (fluid mechanics would be an added advantage)EITHER
9Computer Vision, Deep Learning and Medical Image AnalysisDeep Learning and Computer VisionUG/Masters/PhDPython, Pytorch, Deep LearningONLINE
10Use of Natural Language Processing in Macroeconomics and FinanceEconomicsAllR, Python, Matlab, Natural Language ProcessingEITHER
11Audio and Video as Data in Political EconomyEconomicsAllR, Python, Natural Language ProcessingEITHER
12Factor models for portfolio optimizationFinancial TechnologyUGBasic StatisticsOFFLINE
13Game Development, Simulations, and Reinforcement Learning based GamesGame development and machine learningUG/Masters/PhDPython, Deep Learning/Machine Learning FrameworksOFFLINE
14Traffic as granular flow- A revisit through lacking lane discipline contextIntelligent InfrastructureMasters/PhDStatistics and Probability, Modelling Stochasticity, AI/MLOFFLINE
15Development of an Accident Prediction and Prevention Framework for Hilly Regions Using iRAP Star Ratings, HDM-4 Outputs, and Advanced Data Analytics.Intelligent InfrastructureUG/Masters/PhDPython, AI/ML, Data Science, Big data analyticsOFFLINE
16Travel Data analytics and VisualizationIntelligent InfrastructureUG/Masters/PhDData Science, Big data analyticsOFFLINE
17Hardware development of AI-powered Smart Hospital Bed for Real-Time Health Monitoring and Automated Patient CareRobotics and AIUG/Masters/PhDPython, ROS, Gazebo, Matlab, CAD, AI/MLOFFLINE
18AI-powered Disaster Management System Using flying machine with GPR and Imaging for RescueRobotics and AIUG/Masters/PhDPython, ROS, Gazebo, Matlab, CAD, AI/MLOFFLINE
19Algorithim development for Emotionally Intelligent Assistant RobotRobotics and AIUG/Masters/PhDPython, ROS, Gazebo, Matlab, CAD, AI/MLOFFLINE
20Design and Development of an AI-Driven hydropowered-Powered Flying RobotRobotics and AIUG/Masters/PhDPython, ROS, Gazebo, Matlab, CAD, AI/MLOFFLINE
21Development of AI-Powered Mobile Manipulators for Autonomous Task Execution in Dynamic EnvironmentsRobotics and AIUG/MastersPython, ROS, Gazebo, Matlab, CAD, AI/MLOFFLINE


 May 15, 2025 – July 15, 2025.


Last date for application: April 5th, 2025.

How to Apply

Interested candidates can apply through this link.

Click here to view the official notification of Summer Internship at IIT Jodhpur.