Submissions are invited for the International Conference on Computer Science, Cybersecurity and Information Technology (ICCSCIT-25) at Dallas, USA. Paper submission deadline is Feb 14, 20245!

About ICCSCIT-25

ISER is excited to announce the International Conference on Computer Science, Cybersecurity, and Information Technology (ICCSCIT-25), taking place in Dallas, USA, on March 11th-12th, 2025. This event will bring together leading scientists, academicians, industry professionals, speakers, and experts from various fields, offering a platform for informative discussions on solutions, achievements, trending issues, and future strategies.

ISER is committed to presenting the latest techniques, skills, and information across diverse fields such as science, technology, medical sciences, environment, education, business, banking, finance, languages, history, and more. The conference provides an excellent opportunity for participants to explore speaking engagements, present innovative ideas, and build valuable connections. Attendees are invited to engage in groundbreaking discussions that contribute to advancing the field and benefiting humanity. This event offers an opportunity to enhance both personal and professional development.

Submission Guidelines

Please follow these submission guidelines for a smooth procedure related to proffering papers.


Kindly submit papers at the “Paper Submission” link on the website
If you have any queries, please reach us at


The official language of all the conferences and papers is English. Therefore, the paper must be written in English, which must be straightforward and free of grammatical errors

Review Process

All the successfully submitted papers will be assessed by the Program Chair, who will initiate the peer review process. Then, the Program Chair will designate at least two suitable technical committee members (Reviewers) with ample field knowledge. After a thorough review, the comments will be submitted to the Program Chair personnel, who will make the final decision about submitting the paper.

Finally, the conference secretary will inform the concerned authors about the decision. The papers which are not accepted will be sent back for revision, and those that pass the second review will be accepted.

Note: Please check your email regularly during the review process.

Academic Ethics

The submitted papers, abstracts, etc., must be original, unpublished work that is not considered for publication elsewhere. In addition, we request the academicians submit original, experimental, or theoretical work that follows the proper citation rules.

Following academic ethics is the foundation of any academic. Therefore, plagiarism will not be accepted and will lead to rejection. Some of the actions plagiarism may include are:

  • Rejection of the article or removal of the article from the final publications.
  • Reporting the issue to the concerned author’s supervisor(s) and affiliated institution(s).
  • Reporting the case to the office of academic ethics and research funding agency.
  • A right to mention the author’s name(s), the title of the article, the name(s) of the affiliated institution, and the details of misconduct, etc., of the plagiarist.”

Important Dates

  • Pre-Enrollment: 9th February 2025.
  • Final Paper Submission: 14th February 2025
  • Registration Deadline: 24th February 2025
  • Conference Date: 11th – 12th March 2025.

How to Apply?

Candidates can submit their paper via this link.

Important Downloads links

Sample Abstract

Presenter form

Listener form

Sample full paper

Contact Details

  • +91 9344550460

Click here to view the official notification for the International Conference on Computer Science, Cybersecurity and Information Technology (ICCSCIT-25) at Dallas, USA.