Cfp: International Conference on Information Systems Security by NIT Raipur [Dec 16-20, 2023]: Submit by July 20

Online Registrations are invited for International Conference on Information Systems Security by NIT Raipur. The last date for submission is July 20, 2023.

Course Provider: Organization

Course Provider Name: NIT Raipur

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Online Registrations are invited for International Conference on Information Systems Security by NIT Raipur. The last date for submission is July 20, 2023.

About NIT Raipur

National Institute of Technology, Raipur is a public technical and research university located in Raipur, the capital of Chhattisgarh.

About the Conference

The 19th ICISS will be held in the National Institute of Technology (NIT) Raipur between December 16 and 20, 2023. This annual conference provides a forum for researchers and industry practitioners of security to present their cutting-edge research and use case experiences. We solicit previously unpublished technical papers in the field of Security Privacy. Papers that involve innovative solutions, usability studies, longitudinal studies, industrial use cases, and SoK are welcome.

This year, we will also accept PoCs of security applications under a separate demo track and allow the submission of artifacts; a separate call will be announced on the conference website in the due course time.

Conference Themes

  • Systems Security
    • OS, VM, containers, cloud
    • Network: SDN, NFV, SDWAN IoT, RFID, SCADA
    • Systems Communication
    • Protocols IDS, IPS, SIEM,
    • XDR, etc Honeypot, Botnet.
  • Access control
    • Authentication, MFA
    • Authorization model/policy
    • PKI & Trust management
    • Information flow control
  • Application Security
    • Vulnerabilities, DevSecOps API
    • security, WAF, OWASP
    • Static/Binary analysis, zero trust
    • Malware, Ransomware, APTs
  • Hardware Security
    • Remote attestation, PUFs
    • Trojans, Backdoors, FPGA
    • Trusted Execution Enclaves
  • Privacy
    • PETs, anonymization tech
    • Deidentification attacks
    • Surveillance & Censorship
    • Inference, correlation attacks
  • Blockchain
    • Cryptocurrency, stablecoins
    • Interoperability, scalability
    • Smart contracts, concurrency
    • DIDs, NFTs, CBDCs, AML
  • Security in AI/ML
    • Adversarial learning/inputs
    • Bias, fairness, ethics, trust
  • Model stealing/poisoning
    • Emerging Tech/Standards
  • ChatGPT, LaMDA, Dall-E 2,
    • Security-by-design,
    • SBOM Privacy-by-design,
  • S&P Use Cases
    • e-voting, e-gov, smart cities
    • COVID-19 contact tracing

Call for Paper

  • All submissions must be written in English and the PDF version should not exceed 20 pages; including the bibliography and appendices.
  • Authors must use the LNCS template to create the manuscript. The conference proceedings will appear in the Springer LNCS series.
  • Proceedings of past editions are available at: The extended versions of a select few accepted papers will be invited for publication in the Indian Academy of Sciences’ journal Sādhanā.
  • Further details will be made available on the conference website in due course of time.
  • ICISS 2023 will also have the best paper award!

How to Submit?

Interested Candidates can submit their papers by clicking here.


The last date for submission is July 20, 2023.


NIT Calicut, India.

Click here to view the Official Notification for International Conference on Information Systems Security by NIT Raipur.