Training on PYTHON for Data Science, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning by IIT Kanpur
Registrations are open for the IIT Kanpur's Intensive Training School (ITS) on PYTHON for Data Science, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning(6th to 26th May-2023). Check all the relevant details below for this Training!
Course Provider: Organization
Course Provider Name: IIT Kanpur
Course Provider URL:
Training on PYTHON for Data Science, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning by IIT Kanpur
Registrations are open for the IIT Kanpur's Intensive Training School (ITS) on PYTHON for Data Science, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning(6th to 26th May-2023). Check all the relevant details below for this Training!
Course Provider: Organization
Course Provider Name: IIT Kanpur
Course Provider URL:
Registrations are open for Python Training for Data Science, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning by IIT Kanpur. The last date for online registration is May 1, 2023.
About the Training Program
- The IIT Kanpur Intensive Training School (ITS) on PYTHON for Data Science, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning, Organized by Prof. Aditya K. Jagannatham, EE Department, IIT Kanpur.
- Spanning over 3 weeks is an intensive program for scholars, students, faculty members, industry professionals, and R&D staff aspiring to get in-depth exposure and learn hands-on implementation of cutting-edge algorithms, and software for Data Science (DS), Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) toward projects, research, and placements to further their career.
- The school will include extensive assisted PYTHON programming sessions, and numerous important packages such as NUMPY, PANDAS, SEABORN, LINALG, matplotlib, SCIKIT-LEARN, TensorFlow, and KERAS.
- For an extensive list of lecture modules and hands-on programming projects. All modules will be held on evenings and weekends for the convenience of participants. The extensive projects and PYTHON programming for DATA SCIENCE (DS), MACHINE LEARNING (ML), and DEEP LEARNING (DL) is of significant value to participants of all backgrounds.
- UG/ PG students: Learn the latest programming techniques in PYTHON and various packages such as NUMPY, LINALG, matplotlib, PANDAS, SCIKIT-LEARN, SEABORN, TensorFlow, KERAS together with practical DS/ ML/ DL knowledge for projects/ thesis and also to gain an unbeatable edge in placements!
- PhD. Scholars/ Faculty members: Use PYTHON, and various packages such as NumPy, LINALG, matplotlib, PANDAS, SCIKIT-LEARN, SEABORN, TensorFlow, and KERAS for research and also to establish virtual labs or for project guidance in DS/ ML/ DL Technologies with real-world datasets!
- Industry Professionals: Take your skills to the next level by learning PYTHON, and various packages such as NUMPY, LINALG, matplotlib, PANDAS, SCIKITLEARN, SEABORN, TENSORFLOW, KERAS, together with principles of Module Design and Analysis using Practical Data Sets for DS/ ML/ DL Technologies!
Who can Apply?
- PhD scholars pursuing research in ML/ NN/ DL technologies.
- M.Tech/ B.Tech students undertaking thesis/ projects in ML/ NN/ DL technologies.
- Faculty members of Engineering Institutions/ Universities.
- Engineers from Wireless Industry and R&D Organizations.
- Registration for the PYTHON-Based DS/ ML/ DL School is OPEN now.
- The last date for registration is May 1, 2023.
How to Apply?
Interested applicants can join this Python training through this link.
Training on PYTHON for Data Science, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning by IIT Kanpur
Registrations are open for the IIT Kanpur's Intensive Training School (ITS) on PYTHON for Data Science, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning(6th to 26th May-2023). Check all the relevant details below for this Training!
Course Provider: Organization
Course Provider Name: IIT Kanpur
Course Provider URL:
Training on PYTHON for Data Science, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning by IIT Kanpur
Registrations are open for the IIT Kanpur's Intensive Training School (ITS) on PYTHON for Data Science, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning(6th to 26th May-2023). Check all the relevant details below for this Training!
Course Provider: Organization
Course Provider Name: IIT Kanpur
Course Provider URL: