Short Term Course on Nascent Technologies in Signal Processing, Communication and VLSI (NTSPCV-2023) by NIT Delhi [April 24-29, 2023]: Register Now!

Short Term Course on Nascent Technologies in Signal Processing, Communication and VLSI (NTSPCV-2023) by NIT Delhi. The course will be conducted from April 24 to April 29, 2023.
Course Provider: Organization
Course Provider Name: NIT Delhi
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Short Term Course on Nascent Technologies in Signal Processing, Communication and VLSI (NTSPCV-2023) by NIT Delhi. The course will be conducted from April 24 to April 29, 2023.
About NIT Delhi
NITD is one of the thirty-one NIT (s) established in the year 2010 by an act of parliament and has been declared an Institute of National importance. NIT Delhi is an autonomous Institute that functions under the aegis of the Ministry of Education, Government of India. It aims to provide instructions and research facilities in various disciplines of Engineering, Science and Technology, Management, Social Sciences, and Humanities for advanced learning and dissemination of knowledge. Currently, the institute offers B.Tech. programs in Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, and Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
About the Course
The course is designed to provide exposure to the fundamentals and advancements in signal processing, communication, and VLSI design. During this course, scientists, academicians, and industry experts will discuss the current and future scope in the aforementioned field. This course provides cutting-edge research ideas to the participants.
Course Contents
- Advancements in Signal Processing.
- Application of Signal Processing in Image, Audio and Speech Processing.
- Biomedical Signal Processing using Machine Learning for BrainComputer Interfaces.
- Advances in Digital/Analog Communication
- Advanced Communication Techniques for 5G and Beyond.
- Challenges and Security Issues for the Communication Networks.
- Optical Communication and Networks Application and Emerging Trends.
- Applications of Optical Communication in Biomedical Applications.
- Emerging Trends in VLSI Design.
- Modeling and Design of Low-Power Digital Devices.
- VLSI Architecture Level Optimization Techniques.
- Mixed Analog/Digital IC Design.
Eligibility for Participants
Faculties of various Universities/Institutions, Industry Personals, Scientists and Engineers from research and development organizations, UG, PG, and Ph.D. scholars can apply for this course.
How to Apply
For the registration please fill out the Google form.
Note: E-certificate will be issued to participants after completion of the course.
Registration Fee
The registration fee for the course is as follows:
- UG/PG/Ph.D.: INR 300.
- Faculties: INR 400.
- Industry Personals: INR 500.
Account Details
The candidates can deposit the registration fee online in the account details
given below:
- Account Number- 30320100016539
- Bank Name & Branch- Bank of Baroda
The course will be conducted from April 24 to April 29, 2023.
For any queries please contact:
Dr. Sandeep Kumar
- Email: sandeep[at]nitdelhi[dot]ac[dot]in.
- Contact Number: +91-11-3386-1155, +91-9532041800.