Tata Transformation Prize[ Prize worth Rs. 2 Crores]: Apply Now!

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the Tata Transformation Prize by Tata Sons and The New York Academy of Sciences for the year 2023. The last date for application is March 22.
Event Type: EducationEvent
Event Attendance Mode: OfflineEventAttendanceMode
Event Status: EventScheduled
Performer: Organization
Performer Name: TATA
Performer URL: https://www.tata.com/newsroom/business/nyas-tata-transformation-prize
Start Date: 2023-03-01 03:27
End Date: 2023-03-22 03:26
Availability: InStock
Availability Starts: 2023-03-01T08:57:03
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the Tata Transformation Prize by Tata Sons and The New York Academy of Sciences for the year 2023. The last date for application is March 22.
About Tata Transformation Prize
- The Tata Transformation Prize is a fantastic opportunity for leading researchers in India to earn recognition for their innovative work. The Prize will not only bring Indian scientific research to the global forefront but also propel pathbreaking solutions from Indian scientists to generate meaningful impact.
- The Prize will support breakthrough, innovative technologies that address India’s most critical challenges in three categories — Food Security, Sustainability, and Healthcare.
- By recognizing and supporting the large-scale implementation of high-risk, high-reward research, the Prize will drive impactful innovation in scientific disciplines of importance to India’s societal needs and economic competitiveness.
Eligibility Criteria
- Hold a doctoral degree (Ph.D., DPhil, MD, DDS, DVM, etc.)
- At the time of application, hold a position as a Postdoctoral Researcher, Faculty, or Researcher/Scientist, with at least 50% full-time effort devoted to research, at an eligible institution within India
- Receive pre-approval from their institution, in the form of an Institution Approval Form. See below for more details.
- Applicants may only submit one application per annual Prize cycle. Applicants may submit applications in an unlimited number of subsequent Prize cycles, however, each application must propose a different innovation.
- The Tata Transformation Prize awards one Winner in each of the three categories, with INR 2 crores (approximately US$240,000) for each Winner. Funds will be disbursed directly by Tata Sons upon the conclusion of prize events in December 2023.
- Each Winner will receive a personalized medal inscribed with their name and Prize year.
- Prize monies must be spent towards the implementation of the proposed innovation; however, Winners have full discretion as to how those funds will be distributed towards that purpose.
- Winners bear full responsibility for how they distribute their Prize monies, including the case that they distribute funds to collaborators in support of the project.
The last date for the online application is March 22, 2023.
Interested Candidates can address their queries at:
- Stephen D. Albright.
- Phone: +91-9654267349
- Email: TataTransformation[at]nyas[dot]org.
How to Apply?
Interested candidates can apply online via this link.
Click here to view the official notification of the Tata Transformation Prize.