Applications are invited for the Summer Internships 2025 at NIT Hamirpur. Apply by April 20.

About NITH

National Institute of Technology Hamirpur is one of the thirty-one NITs of the country, which came into existence on 7th August 1986 as Regional Engineering College, a joint and cooperative enterprise of the Govt. of India and Govt. of Himachal Pradesh. At the time of inception, Institute had only two departments i.e, Civil and Electrical Engineering having an intake of 30 students in each.

NIT Hamirpur invites applications through online mode i.e. Google Form from eligible candidates for the position of ”Apprentices for Construction & Maintenance Section, Computer Centre” under the Apprentices Act. The appointment shall be for a period of One Year from 01-04-2025 as per guidelines provided in the Apprentices Act.

About the Program

National Institute of Technology Hamirpur invites applications from the students studying in llTs/NlTs/State Technical Universities/Other CFTIs, to do Summer Training/Internship in the different Departments/Centres of the Institute. There are various projects under which the candidates can apply.

The applicant must submit a brief proposal on the project area under which he/she intends to do internship/training in NIT Hamirpur (H.P). For more details, please go through the relevant Guidelines available on Institute website. The candidate can fill the “UG Training/Internship Request Form” along with “Undertaking Form” and submit it through the Google form link/QR Code provided below.

Available Projects

Sr. No.DepartmentTitle of Project           Name of Faculty Mentor
    1.    Architecture  2. Appropriate built environment In Hill Towns of India.Dr. Ashwanl Xumar Assoclate Pnzf. & Head
Assessment of heritage Indicators- case of residential buildings.Development of model for garbage collection in NITH Campus.Dr. Amanjeet Kaur Asstt. Professor
              2.  Computer Science 8 EngineeringDaep Learning Dasad Multimodal Biomedical Text-to•lmage Synthesis Uting Conditional GANaEnergy Harvesting Techniques for Prokriging WSN LifetimeDeep Transfer Learning for loT Attack DetectlonDr. Roam Singh Bhadorla Asstt. Professor
  Diabibuted    Systeme,    Artificial                     Intelligence,                 Soft Computing, Machlna LearningDr. Dharmendra Asm. Professor
  ML/DL for PCoS prediction & detection, Federated Learning fbr secure communicacon in loT neMorksDr. Nltln Oupta Asm. Professor
MI.YDL , NLP, AIDr Pardeap 8lngh Asstt. Professor
Internet  of   Things,  Service-Oriented             Architecture, Wireless Sancor Network, Machine LearningDr 8lddhartha Chauhan Asstt. Professor
  3.  Civil EnglneeringImpact of Climate Change on Water Availablity In a Watershed. Flood Risk Mapping and mitigation Strategies in Urban Areas. Assessment of Groundwater Recharge Potential Using GIS and Remote Sensing.  Dr. Bay slngh Meena Asstt. Professor (Gr-I)
          4.          Chemistryt.   Design and development of sensors.Dr. KS cosh
Natural Product Mimics and their application.Quadruplex blinder- spectrophotometric studies.Dr. PamNa Awasthl
DeslgnTng and synthesis of novel metallodrugs and their biological evaluation.Transition metal complexes and their electrochemical ckara¢terization.  Dr. Raj Kaushel
Two dimensional nanomaterlal‘s.Green synthesis of nanomaterial‘s.Metal oxide based nanocomposite materials.Dr. Jel PraMsh
Photophysical Study.Protein- DNA intention.Dr. Jagannath Kuchlyen
      5. Chemical EngineeringRemoval of Pollutants from Wastewater using Natural Adsorbent.Optimization of galacto-oligosaccharide production by RSM.Dr. Tapas Paloi Associate Professor
Gas Explosion dynamics using Novel solver PDRFORM. Waste to value: CFD Modelling of biomass/Plastic particles in a horizontal or vertical set up.1-D Kinetic Modelling to design novel reactor.  Dr. Manish Kumar Dhiman Asstt. Professor (G-II)
                                6.                                  Electronics & Communication EngineeringVLSI DesignOevice Modelling in VLSIDr. Aehwani Kumar Rana Associate Prof. & Head
VLSI DesignDr. Gargi Khanna Associate Professor
Cyber-Physical Security in IoT: Challenges and Solutions. Next-Generation Wireless Networks: Exploring SG and 6G Communication Technologies.Artificial Intelligence for 5G/6G Communication Systems: Enhancing Network Performance and Security.Dr. Sandeep Kumar Singh Assistant Prof. Gr.-I
Development   of                 intelligent                 systems                 for biomedical signal analysis. Artificial Intelligence assisted smart healthcare system.Development of low-cost prototype for cardiac sound signal processing.Development of deep neural networks for Speech Emotion Recognition.Dr. Abhijit Bhattacharyya Assistant Prof. Gr.-I
Design and Analysis of Compact Waveguide Filter using Planar Insert. Design and Analysis MIMO Antenna for Sub 6 GHZ.Dr. Amit Bage Assistant Prof. Gr.-I
Design and development of circularly polarized leaky wave antenna in Dielectric Image Line environment for millimetre wave application.Dr. Chandra Shekhar Prasad Assistant Prof. Gr.-I
    7.    Mechanical EngineeringGas Nozzle Design.Combustion in High Speed Flows—Rayleigh Flow.Dr. Prashant Kumar HOD & Associate Professor
Supply Chain Management.Total Quality management.Industry 4.0 and 5.0Six-Sigma/Lean Methodology.Dr. Rajiv Kr. Sharma Associate Professor
  Automation and Manufacturing.Aviation and Defence Studies.Industry 4.0 and 5.0Dr. Somesh Kumar Sharma Associate Professor & TPO
Battery Thermal Management System.Passive Heat Transfer Augmentation.To study Ammonia Combustion in IC Engine.Dr. Varun Associate Professor
“Experimental & Numerical Investigation on Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement by Surface Modification”.Dr. Deepak Sharma Asstt. Professor
SERB funded project on: “Design & Development of Extrusion Pressure Based Ma8netorheological Finishing”.Dr. Dllshad A. Khan Asstt. Professor
        8.      Mathematics & Scientific ComputingArtificial Neural Networks and Semi-Analytical methods for Partial Fractional Differential Equations.Qualitative Studies for Stochastic Differential Equation.Controllability for Fractional Differential Equations.  Dr. Ramesh Kumar Vats
  Bio-medical image Processing. 2. Learning Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations.Dr. Sublt Xumar Jain Asstt. Professor
          9.          Material Science & EngineeringDesign and Development of Iron Based low density alloys.Synthesis and characterization of advanced quasi-equiatomic high entropy alloys.Utilization of byproducts of metallurgical industries in developing the advanced materials.  Dr. Raj Bahadur Singh Asstt. Professor
Compaction and Sintering of coal fly ash nanoparticles prepared by ball milling.Effect of co doping on the structural and optical behaviour of Cr,OzDevelopment of electrode material for supercapacitor.Development of p type transparent conducting oxides. S. Development of n type transparent conducting oxides.      Dr. Vikram Verma Asstt. Professor
10.Physics and Photonlcs science1. Metal Oxide-based heterojunctions for energy storage and conversion.Dr. Nisha Kodan

How to Apply

Interested candidates can apply through this link.


April 20 2025.

Click here to view the official notification of the Summer Internships at NIT Hamirpur.