Applications are invited for the University of New South Wales International Scholarship 2025. The last date of application is 31 March.

About the University

The University of New South Wales (UNSW), also known as UNSW Sydney, is a public research university based in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. It is one of the founding members of Group of Eight, a coalition of Australian research-intensive universities.

Established in 1949, UNSW is a research university and a member of Universitas 21, a global network of research universities. It has international exchange and research partnerships with over 200 universities around the world.

University of New South Wales International Scholarship 2025
University of New South Wales International Scholarship 2025

About the Scholarship

UNSW offers a wide range of scholarships and awards to support international undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students commencing full-time study at UNSW. Some scholarships will provide a full or partial tuition fee payment, while others provide a stipend to assist with the costs associated with your studies. Students wishing to undertake postgraduate research study should contact the Graduate Research School.

Important details

Applicable study:
Application process is for international students commencing their first term of studies at UNSW in Term 2 2025
Closing date:Application will open on 1 January 2025 and close at AEST 11:59PM on 31 March 2025
Value: $5,000
available for 1 year
Selection Process:-By submitting an application for the UNSW Scholarships for International Students Commencing Term 2, 2025 (PUCA1029) you may be considered for the scholarships
-To apply for PUCA1029, please register an account in the Scholarship Application Online portal
-Applicants will be assessed on the basis of:Academic merit
-Leadership skills (school, workplace or community)
-Extra-curricular activities (sporting, cultural activities, volunteer/work experience)
-Reasons for undertaking studies at UNSW
Eligibility -Must be an international student; and
-Have received an offer of admission* into an eligible program for Term 2 2024 by 31 March 2025.
-*Offers of admission must be one of the following:
-Undergraduate or postgraduate Letter of Offer (unconditional)
-Undergraduate or postgraduate Conditional English Package Offer (UEEC) – students must be enrolled in the UNSW Institute of Languages and successfully complete the program prior to commencing in Term 2 2025.

More Scholarships

ScholarshipValue and DurationEligibility
International Scientia Coursework Scholarship (PUCA1025)Offer 1: Full tuition fee scholarship paid directly towards tuition fees for the minimum duration of program
Offer 2: $20,000 per annum paid directly towards tuition fees for the minimum duration of program
Be an international student commencing full-time study in a UNSW undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree program (excluding UNSW online and UNSW Canberra) in Term 2, 2025.
Lily and Dr Ben K.C Chng Scholarship (UGCE1129)$5,000 paid directly towards tuition fees for the minimum duration of degree programBe an international student commencing in an undergraduate UNSW degree program from the Faculty of Arts, Design and Architectures’ School of Built Environment (single or dual program) in Term 2, 2025; and Be a citizen of Singapore; and Hold a diploma or equivalent course of at least 2 years credit from one of the following institutions: Nanyang Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore Polytechnic, Temasek Polytechnic or Republic Polytechnic.
UNSW Business School International Scholarship (PUCA1024)$5,000 paid directly towards tuition fees for the minimum duration of programBe an international student commencing in Term 2, 2025 in an eligible postgraduate coursework degree program from the UNSW Business School (excluding those offered by AGSM); and Not be in receipt of the UNSW Business School International Pathways Award (PUCA1023).

Click here to view the official notification of the International Scholarship 2025