Applications are invited for the WISE-KIRAN 2024 WIDUSHI Programme by DST. The applications are open throughout the year.
About the WISE-KIRAN 2024 WIDUSHI Programme
Women’s Instinct for Developing and Ushering in Scientific Heights & Innovations (WIDUSHI) Programme aims to encourage and support senior women scientists to conduct research in interdisciplinary areas of Science & Technology. WIDUSHI programme provides support to women scientists who are at the verge of retirement or retired from Government service and also to the women scientists who are not at permanent position but are active researchers and continuously excelling in research field. The maximum age to apply under WIDUSHI programme is 62 years.
DST is one of the Government Departments under Ministry of Science and Technology which plays the role of a nodal department for organizing, coordinating and promoting S&T activities in the country with the objective of promoting new areas of Science & Technology.
Target Group
- The target group is categorized in following 2 categories:
- Category-A: Retiring or retired Women Scientist
- Category-B: Senior Women Scientists who are not in regular employment
Following are primary eligibility criteria for WISE-KIRAN 2024 WIDUSHI Programme:
- Employment:
- Women Scientists who are permanent employee but retiring in a year or already retired/superannuated from government academic/research institutions.
- Women who are not permanent employee in any institution but working temporarily and have completed 2 independent research projects as Principal Investigator.
- Age: 57-62 years (for Category A) and 45-62 (for Category B)
- Qualification: Women Scientists having Ph.D in Basic/Applied Sciences or equivalent degree.
- Research Experience: Minimum 2 R&D projects as Principal Investigator with excellent track record.
- Publications: Minimum 20 research publications (for Category A) and minimum 10 research publications (for Category B) with impact factor.
- Project Duration: Maximum 5 years
- The Programme provides fellowship to the Principal Investigator @Rs.75,000/- per month (for Category A) and @Rs.85,000/- per month (for Category B), One Research Assistant, Research Grant of Rs. 5.0 Lakh per year and Institutional overhead charges @Rs.1.00 lakh per annum.
- Co-Investigator (Co-I): WIDUSHI fellow should choose a permanent faculty as Co-I (male/female) of the project for academic and administrative support in project implementation.
- The service of Co-I has to be due for a period not less than the proposed period of the WISE-KIRAN 2024 WIDUSHI Programme project. The Co-I is not eligible for any separate grants under the programme.
Each application should be submitted to DST. Please note following important application instructions:
- The project proposals received will be screened and Principal Investigator (PI) of ‘screened-in’ proposals will be called for presentation before Programme Advisory Committee for final recommendation.
- The final decision of DST will be communicated to the applicants only after obtaining due administrative and financial approvals.
- The applicant can apply at this website and should submit completed application form. Physical or e-mail applications will not be considered.
- The proposal can be submitted at ePMS. The proposal format is available at website under WISE-KIRAN Division.
- Any shortcomings in the proposal or non-submission through the e-PMS portal will result in rejection of the proposal. DST will not be responsible for these shortcomings.
Important dates
Last Date of Submission: Proposal submission is open throughout the year.
For any query contact us at enquiry[dash]wosdst[At]gov[dot]in
Working Days: Monday to Friday
Working hours: 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM