Online applications are invited for the India UK Joint Call for Proposal for Telecommunication Research FY 2025. Check the eligibility and other details below!

About the India UK Joint Call for Proposal

This international joint funding opportunity will support projects to further develop and strengthen the network and research collaboration between UK-based and India-based researchers in the area of Future telecoms/ Networks.

The projects are intended to build on existing UK-India Future Network partnerships. Projects should have two project leads, one based at a UK research organization and one at an Indian research organization eligible for UKRI and DST funding respectively. This is an open funding opportunity to fund projects in Telecommunications, building India-UK collaborations with multi-institutional participation.

India UK Joint Call for Proposal for Telecommunication Research
India UK Joint Call for Proposal for Telecommunication Research


Applications will have a project lead (previously known as principal investigator) based at a UK research organisation eligible for UKRI funding and a project lead based at an Indian research organisation eligible for DST funding.


Total Fund- £3,500,000 from EPSRC, with matched resources from DST India
Minimum amount per application: £800,000 from EPSRC
Maximum amount per application: £1,000,000 from EPSRC and upto 8 Cr from DST

How to Apply?

  • UK and India Project Leads will develop a joint application for the call together. The UK project leads will apply for funding through The Funding Service(TFS) of UKRI while the Indian project co-lead will apply for funding via e-PMS.
  • In addition, since this funding opportunity is a joint bilateral call, the applicants are required to download and submit the “Joint Proforma”. Joint Proforma will be the core document with all the key information to be assessed.
  • UK applicants
    • We are running this funding opportunity on the new UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Funding Service so please ensure that your organisation is registered. You cannot apply on the Joint Electronic Submissions (Je-S) system.
    • The project lead is responsible for completing the application process on the UKRI Funding Service, but we expect all team members and project partners to contribute to the application. Only the lead research organisation can submit an application to UKRI.
  • To apply
    • Select ‘Start application’ near the beginning of this Funding finder page.
    • Confirm you are the project lead.
    • Sign in or create a Funding Service account. To create an account, select your organisation, verify your email address, and set a password. If your organisation is not listed, email support[at]funding-service[dot]ukri[dot]org
    • Please allow at least 10 working days for your organisation to be added to the UKRI Funding Service.
    • Answer questions directly in the text boxes. You can save your answers and come back to complete them or work offline and return to copy and paste your answers. If we need you to upload a document, follow the upload instructions in the Funding Service. All questions and assessment criteria are listed in the How to apply section on this Funding finder page.
    • Allow enough time to check your application in ‘read-only’ view before sending to your research office.
    • Send the completed application to your research office for checking. They will return it to you if it needs editing.
    • Your research office will submit the completed and checked application to UKRI.
  • Indian applicants
    • Interested applicants should:
    • Submit their proposals on format available at this link by 5:00pm India time on last date. After registration, they should move to “scheme and format” section where details about this call would be available in the International Cooperation (bilateral). An email acknowledging receipt of the application wil be provided to the applicant in 3-5 working days.
    • Applicants should ensure that their applications with identical titles has been submitted by their UK partners to the UKRI-EPSRC by due date.
    • Only applications endorsed by the competent authority will be accepted.
  • How to fill Joint Proforma
    • A joint Proforma is a document that captures the key information required to assess the application. A Joint Proforma should be submitted to UKRI via TFS and DST
    • For your application to UKRI, Joint Proforma template can be downloaded from “supporting documents/format”.
    • Please download the Joint Proforma template and fill in all of the answers. To upload the document, follow the upload instructions in the funding service


Deadline for receiving applications via TFS is 4.00pm UK time on 23rd September 2024. Applications should be submitted to e-PMS by Spm India time.

Click here to view the official notification of the India UK Joint Call for proposal for telecommunication Research