IIT Bombay is inviting applications for FOSSEE Summer Fellowship 2025. The last date of application is April 7.

About the Fellowship

The FOSSEE project invites applications for the FOSSEE Summer Fellowship 2025. The students get an opportunity to work with the FOSSEE team for around 1.5 to 2 months. This is a hybrid fellowship, where students can come to IIT Bombay campus if they wish, and physically work with the FOSSEE team.

To get shortlisted for the fellowship, select a project and choose a screening task from the table given below. Complete at least one of the screening tasks and submit. The selection will be purely based on the evaluation criteria of each screening task.

How to Participate?

Students desirous of getting selected for this internship have to learn a Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) and complete at least one screening task. These tasks can involve programming/ scientific computing/ collecting data that will be of use to the community. These screening tasks are not very complicated and can be done in a week or two.

Registration and Selection Procedure

Terms of Engagement

Remote/ physical (according to the hostel availability), Full-time/ Part-time.

Important dates

  • Registration start date: 11 March 2025
  • Last date of submission: 7 April 2025
  • Declaration of Results: 15 April 2025
  • Commencement of the Internship: 15 May 2025 (tentative)
  • Internship duration: 15 May to 15 July 2025 (tentative)

Project Details

Project NameBrief description of the screening taskWeblinkContact Email Id
OsdagAny one of the following:Civil Engineering Module Development: Develop a program to calculate shear force and bending moment for a beam experiencing a moving load. (CE/CS/IT/Related Fields)PythonOCC, PyPlot and CAD Development: Develop a Python program to develop a Bending Moment Diagram and Shear Force Diagram based on the values provided in the Excel sheet and create a CAD drawing of a Laced Compound Column with PythonOCC. (CE/CS/IT/Related Fields)Unit Testing and Report Generation: Develop a unit test using PyTest for the given bolted lap joint module code or Create a custom LaTex report from the Tex File generated using PyLatex. (CE/CS/IT/Related Fields)Web Application Development: Create the UI of the Osdag web app using React and develop endpoints using Django/REST. (Any stream)Creating Animations for Osdag: Using Blender or other FLOSS tools, Create an animation for lateral torsional buckling of the I-Section Beam and create an animation of block shear failure in tension members. (Any stream)Viewcontact-osdag@fossee.in
eSimAny one of the following:eSim Research Migration(Electronics and related fields)eSim Upgradation(CSE and related fields)Tool manager in eSim(CSE and related fields)Viewcontact-esim@fossee.in
FOCALAny one of the following:
Task 1: Graphics Design Screening Task
(* complete any four)Design a Book Cover (A5 size) Object Illustration (Vector Drawing)Infographic Layout (A4) Educational Poster (A4 size) Newsletter Layout Photo ManipulationTask 2: Animation Creation Screening Task(* complete any one)Create a Short Animation in Synfig Studio3D Animation in Blender2D Animated Explainer VideoInteractive Animation 3D
OpenFOAM CFDSimulating Heat Transfer In A Closed CavityViewcontact-cfd@fossee.in
OpenFOAM GUIGiven in the Document are 2 sets of screening tasks, each set focusing on a particular skillset. The candidate maycomplete and submit any one out of the 2 tasks given.Task 1: Build mesh
Make a Blender addon with the features mentioned in the documentTask 2: Logic Nodes
Make a GUI application to simulate basic logic gates using nodes, using a framework of your choice with thefeatures given in the document.
Creation of the spoken tutorials on open source softwareLevel 1 :ST Checklist testLevel 2 :Submission of a 2 min Spoken Tutorial on a given topic Viewinfo@fossee.in


  • Opportunity to work with faculty from IIT Bombay
  • Certificate of FOSSEE summer Fellowship
  • Recognition on the FOSSEE website

Rules & Regulations

  • Once the fellowship starts, every fellow will be assessed every week based on the quality and quantity of the work. At any point, if the work is found unsatisfactory, the fellowship offer will be withdrawn.
  • The content submitted for the screening task as well as the work done during the fellowship shall be released in open source.
  • If you are unable to complete the minimum fellowship duration(1.5 months), your fellowship will not be considered.
  • The decision of the FOSSEE team in declaring the results will be final. No queries in this regard will be entertained.

Click here to view the official notification of FOSSEE Summer Fellowship 2025.