Online applications are invited for the Rajiv Gandhi Panchayat Raj Fellowship 2024. The last date for the application is February 5, 2024.
About Fellowship
Karnataka Panchayat Raj Commissionerate, Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department, Government of Karnataka is inviting applications from qualified and experienced Young Professionals, for 51 Positions in the Rajiv Gandhi Panchyat Raj Fellowship Program. Each Fellow will be placed in one of the taluks of 07 districts in the Kalyana Karnataka Region.

Eligibility Criteria
- Candidates applying for the fellowship must be of age below 32 years.
- Candidates must have a graduate or postgraduate degree from a recognized university in the social sciences like Sociology or Economics or Rural Development or Social Work or Public Policy.
- Candidates with undergraduate degrees will be considered only if they have at least 1-2 years of field experience in the development sector, with added points for rural development experience and field-level work experience.
- Post-graduates with field experience are preferred, subject to the performance in the assessment
Additional weightage will be given to candidates possessing an M.Phil or PhD is desirable and additional weightage will be given - Candidates applying for the fellowship must be of age below 32 years.
- Candidates must have a graduate or postgraduate degree from a recognized university in the social sciences like Sociology or Economics or Rural Development or Social Work or Public Policy.
- Candidates with undergraduate degrees will be considered only if they have at least 1-2 years of field experience in the development sector, with added points for rural development experience and field-level work experience.
- Post-graduates with field experience are preferred, subject to the performance in the assessment
- Additional weightage will be given to candidates possessing an MPhil or PhD is desirable and additional weightage will be given
Selection Process
- The Program envisages placing one Fellow in each of the Taluks of the Kalyana Karnataka districts, thus fielding a total of 51 Fellows.
- Fellows will be selected on a merit-cum-aptitude assessment, a written test and an interview by a panel.
- Duration of the Program: The Fellowship will be for a period of two years.
Fellowship Conditions
- Fellows are required to know Kannada (speaking, reading and writing). knowledge of Kannada is an important requirement to work with local government institutions and the citizens.
- Fellows must be ready to work in any Taluk of the Kalyana Karnataka Division.
- Fellows will have to live in the assigned Taluk during the fellowship period and should travel to Gram Panchayats within the Taluk and compulsorily work in rural areas.
- The Fellows will be placed under the direct supervision of the respective Zilla Panchayat Chief Executive Officer.
Application Process
Click here to view the application process.
Fellowship and Service Conditions: The Fellow shall receive a consolidated monthly stipend of 1 60,000/-per month during the tenure of the Fellowship and 1 1,500/ per month as a travelling allowance. Other terms of employment will be laid out during the hiring and contract process.
Role of the Fellows: After spending time understanding the social, economic, geographic and governance contexts, Fellows will work with the ZP administration on various initiatives with a focus on;
- Ensuring that citizens are able to access the universal rights they are entitled to.
- Ensuring benefits and services reach the persons who are entitled to them.
- Participation of the citizens in the governance of GPs, especially through Gram Sabhas.
- Socio-economic and situational analysis that will help the Zilla Panchayat/Taluk Panchayat/Gram Panchayat administration with local area planning and implementation.
- Status studies on SC/ST, poorest of the poor, Persons with Disabilities, women, children and elderly.
- Studying and assisting in implementing RDPR’s flagship initiatives like SWM, Creches and Libraries and national initiatives like NREGA, ICDS, and NRLM.
- Working closely with Taluk and Gram Panchayats, SHGs and their Federations and, People’s Organizations at the Panchayat level.
- Facilitating a convergence of public programs and services
- Aiming at direct poverty alleviation and social inclusion programs.
- Skilling themselves to take on action research projects with an emphasis on quality, ethics, reliability and integrity in their work.
- Taking on action research projects that will help with testing out solutions to persistent problems at the grassroots level.
- Seeing themselves as development professionals assisting the Gram Panchayat in their Governance and development initiatives.
- Assessment of service delivery in the Gram Panchayats, studying effectiveness and consistency of service delivery including regular functioning of the Gram Panchayats and compliance to statutory procedures and processes.
- Understand the aspirations of GPs by Conducting Focus Group Discussions of the different sets of stakeholders like officials, elected representatives, and citizens (including women and children)
- Selection of GPs may be based on the Gram Panchayat Performance ranking — the 10 lowest performing GPs in the Taluk can be selected by the Fellow for the above activities.
How to Apply?
Interested candidates can directly apply through this link.
The last date for the application is February 5, 2024.
Contact Details
For more information, contact Sri. Jagadeesh K.S., Assistant Director, Mobile No: 9740790530, Karnataka Panchayat Raj Commissionerate.